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40 years ago WE BUILT the Euskadi Superior Council of Cooperatives, making it a pioneer at the state level. We were the first to launch a public-private project of this magnitude. Now the time has come to acknowledge this long history that we want to celebrate with you at the event that we will celebrate on February 27 starting at 12:00 at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao.

Throughout this journey you have worked so that each one of you can CONSOLIDATE the project. You are people and cooperative entities that have made it possible to live a special journey with your work. It has been an experience that has been worth living.

We want to celebrate with you that we still have a lot to do and that the contribution of those who make up the cooperative movement, our contribution, is essential to achieve a more just, egalitarian, humane and democratic society.

We are especially excited about the meeting in February and in it we will have representatives from different institutions and, especially, with the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu. At the end, we will have a lunch to enjoy the company.

We would like you to be present at this celebration to continue FRAGILIZING the cooperative movement for a better future.


40th aniversary of Kooperatiben Kontseilua